Sunday, December 25, 2011

Academy of Sciences

Well I went to the Academy of Sciences for the first time in Golden Gate Park and overall it was an enchanting experience. From the normal sciency stuff that I got to see and learn from the center I really enjoyed the aquarium. I am not sure why but they are always my favorite parts of zoo's and anything that has one really. There are a lot more images that might be posted in the near future but this was my little adventure on Christmas Eve. I have a couple of other things I need to post on the blog soon.
I have a couple of editing tutorials I need to finish. One that is very close to an Ansel Adams like contrast. The other is still the infrared tutorial, I did lose some of the images for my conversions but I might make some more of them. Anyways, Have a happy holiday season!


  1. Love these!! Is the academy of sciences in San Francisco? It looks like a great place, you take great pictures :)


I see you there! Tell me what you think!