Sunday, February 27, 2011

End of Febuary Events

     First I would like to wish a happy birthday to my dear friends Brianna Martinez and Renee Gherman. Normally I would do one post for each event that I shoot at but this week I have been extraordinarily busy. Thankfully I don't see a good reason to do that for the last couple events I have been to so I am going to summarize the events that have happened around the last weekend of February all in one post. Now most of the events I shoot at don't end up in the blog, but I am trying to get more to appear in here but it also means I have to write and do other work for the event beyond posing photos. Plus if it takes me about 4 days before I am able to write the post I might as well just skip it at the moment.

      Anyway beyond my own crazy thought process I did shoot a roll of black and white film for my Caffenol development so as soon as I get my development times for the film brand I am using there will a blog post about that and my current findings with my Caffenol development. If everything goes as planned there will be Caffenol paper prints made as well but it is all up to getting together a small group to use the darkroom. I might wait until I shoot another roll of the film to have two rolls shot because of my tank size but I guess I will see.

     As for the photos these are for Renee's birthday part and Just Keep Raving 4. I tried out my wireless flash transmitters and doing some different things with the dj shots and overall I liked the effect.The event was fun like it has been the other 4 times. ( 1 , 2 ,  3,  3.5). Renee's birthday was had great music , mirth and merriment. So I will shut up and show you guys four photos.

Things I did while writing this post:

- Chatted with a friend

- Tried to not pass out on my laptop

- Drooled everywhere when thinking of food

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cooked Film Project

     Well this is the end of my cooked film project I started of April last year. The film was put in my car to "cook" from one to four months. The one month cooked film had no change in the Kodak Gold 800 which is the film type used in all the images below. The one month cooked roll of film didn't have any effect really but that might have also been because I started this in April and a month later it got a lot hotter inside of the car. Now in Arizona when the heat was at it's peak is when the three months and four month period so June and July. It is a possibility the lack of change was because the heat wasn't anywhere near as intense.

    Anyway I hope who ever reads this likes the effect it can give. The two month cooked film is my favorite so I am going to add a few at the end of the negative strips so you can see the final scan versions. 

2 months

3 months

4 months

Single 2 month shots

Things I did while writing this post:

- Talked to a friend on Skype

- Avoided writing my paper

Twist Thursdays @ Myst

    Well it is officially four days after this event, possibly 5 depending on how you want to view the days. They are semi-relevant to my interest right now but  I am going to break my landscape picture OCD that I have been posting on the blog to show you a picture taken in portrait format. What is this fucking atrocity, it isn't horizontal you bastard. I can't believe this lump of horse shit goddamn.

     ANYWAYS I guess breaking the norm is a good thing every now and again. Which I guess I am slowly breaking my mold in a sense. Which could be considered a good thing when now all I feel like doing is bitching or figuring out a new way to not do homework. The good news is now I have the film for the caffenol development, but it was raining all weekend so unless I did some serious experimenting wasting film it would never be developed properly. So I have the Arista brand film which is rumored to be like re-branded Tri-X (don't quote me on that). So once the weather lightens up I am going to be taking some photos and seeing what comes from it. Hopefully I will be able to develop some paper from it as well but we will see what the powers of coffee are.

     So anyway back to the images at hand and my overall feeling of the night. It was a pretty fun night, I had a horribly awkward situation happen to me. Which can be explained upon request but I won't explain it in the blog. Myst as a club is pretty awesome, I would love to do a location shoot there sometime. Great music and a good time, and across the street was pizza! Anyways I will shut up and here are the photos.

Things I did while writing this blog post:

- Helped with some fashion stuff

- Dicked around on Tumblr

- Read 's first comic (it is wonderful)

-Wondered if anyone actually reads the entirety of my posts

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

First Color 120mm Film from the Yashica-D

     So, it has been a while since my last blog post, but I have updated the site a bit. The new top tabs on the site are the About Me, Current Projects, and the Galleries / Magazines / Publications. They are pretty self explanatory but if you want some inside on me or what I am planning to do some of that will be in those tabs.

     I have ordered the film I needed to start my Caffenol development, and my other projects are slowly taking shape. This Thursday is Sam Groove's CD release party and coming up is also the Hellen CD release party.  Among the normal events I am booked for, so there will be more blog activity in February. 

     Other than that the pictures below are from the first roll of color 120mm film I have shot from my Yashica-D. I have shot black and white from the camera and from that I learned how to use the camera and understanding medium format a bit more. These are scanned in prints and they are color balanced to look more like the prints, so just a slight levels change really. Overall I am impressed by the prints, but the scans aren't too bad. 

Things I did while making this blog post:

-Watched a small amount of television

-Had a chat about wigs

-Put off writing a paper on chameleons

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

PowerSurge 4

Well where to begin on Power Surge 4, easiest way to describe the night was intense. Beyond just my ankle killing me, the Tesla Coils, and a bunch of crazy kids. The night went along well, got a nice burger from chilli's before the show. Tried out shooting with "live view" which is interesting because for no-flash night shots it gives you a rough idea of the ambient light. It was nice but very strange in the way of how I held my camera. I can see it being useful in HDR photography. For the people who don't know what HDR is it is High Dynamic Range, so basically it is suppose to look more like we see the world, but people push and pull and fuck with it to be semi bland and gross. That is my opinion on it at least, but I would like to try it out and understand it more.

Other than that boring lecture I played a bit with the multi-strobe function on my flash which a resulting image of that strobe play in the last photo.

Things I did while making this blog post:

- Talked about room mates bringing in tons of stuff

- Listened to 2 drum and bass tunes

- Learned what a ha'ole and kawa'i are