Monday, February 21, 2011

Cooked Film Project

     Well this is the end of my cooked film project I started of April last year. The film was put in my car to "cook" from one to four months. The one month cooked film had no change in the Kodak Gold 800 which is the film type used in all the images below. The one month cooked roll of film didn't have any effect really but that might have also been because I started this in April and a month later it got a lot hotter inside of the car. Now in Arizona when the heat was at it's peak is when the three months and four month period so June and July. It is a possibility the lack of change was because the heat wasn't anywhere near as intense.

    Anyway I hope who ever reads this likes the effect it can give. The two month cooked film is my favorite so I am going to add a few at the end of the negative strips so you can see the final scan versions. 

2 months

3 months

4 months

Single 2 month shots

Things I did while writing this post:

- Talked to a friend on Skype

- Avoided writing my paper

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