Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Special D, Hard Light Trick

Some of the people that read this would know who Special D is. This being because I assume that most of the people found my blog because of my work at clubs/raves/dance parties. If you didn't know who he is here is a youtube video of one of his songs.

He hails from Germany so this shoot was a rare opportunity, but he is an awesome guy. I talked to him a couple of times previously when he was down here Dj'ing but this was the first time I was able to hang out and talk to him about non event related activities and such. The first image that is shown in this post is from when we were trying to figure out the style of the shoot. I am including this because it shows from where we started to where we ended up. I am probably going to use the last image on my website but the final batch of photos really stand  out to me the most. I do like how this kind of shows how my creative process works.

It started off slowly but kind of skyrocketed near the end, I need to figure out a way to keep that skyrocketing. I  have learned multiple things since my shoot tonight and my shoot with Sam Groove. Which you can see some of the pictures in an earlier blog post.

1) The strobes need to be in some way sensors facing each other.
     - This being said it seems obvious but I was under the assumption of wireless transmitting being spherical            and not more of a cone shape.

2) Light modifiers are cool but nothing beats bare flash.
     - My different light modifiers are good for certain situations, but my best has always came with the least amount of other equipment. So learning the modifiers more will benefit on them but never forget the basics.

3) Relax
    - I shouldn't even say that I needed to learn that! I always thought I was relaxed but recently it seems I have been under a lot of stress I been putting on my self with self imposed deadlines and other things that time wise are just about impossible to do. I need to just relax, sleep more and take my time. The quality of my work hasn't declined but I need to pace myself before something like that does happen. With school starting I should be able to do that thankfully.

Things I have done while writing this blog post:

-Chit chatted with my good friend

-Wandered Youtube

- Coughed a whole bunch and got a drink of water

1 comment:

I see you there! Tell me what you think!